Minggu, September 20, 2009

My Love

Minggu, September 13, 2009

Gejala Hipertensi


Anti Hipertensi adalah obat yang digunakan untuk
menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi
Hipertensi adalah peningkatan
sisrole yang tingginy tergantung dari umur yang terkena.
Meningkat dan menurunnya tekanan
darah seseorang tergantung dari umur dan tingkat stress yang dialami.


Hipertensi tergolong atas 4

1. Hipertensi Ringan

tekanan darah sistole 140 -159 mmHg dan
diastole 90 – 99 mmHg

2. Hipertensi Sedang

tekanan darah sistole 100 – 109 mmHg dan
diastole 160 – 179 mmHg

3. Hipertensi Berat

tekanan darah sistole 180 – 209 mmHg dan
diastole 110 – 119 mmHg

4. Hipertensi Sangat Berat

tekanan darah sistole ≥ 210 mmHg dan
diastole ≥ 120 mmHg


1. Diuretik

Efek : Meningkatkan ekskresi natrium klorida dan air
sehingga mengurangi volume plasma dan carian ekstra sel

1. Diuretik tiazid dan sejenisnya

§ Hidroklorida, dosis 12,5 -25 mg/hr

§ Klortalidon, dosis 12,5 – 25 mg/hr

§ Bendroflumetiazid, dosis 2,4 – 5 mg/hr

§ Indapamid, dosis 1,25 – 2,5 mg/hr

§ Xipamid, dosis 10-20 mg/hr

Efek samping :

yakni : hipokalemia, hipomagnesemia, hipnatremia, hperurisemia, hiperkalsemia,
hiperglikemia, hiperkolesterolemia, dan hipertrigli seridemia.

menghidari efek metabolic ini, tiazid
harus digunakan dengan dosis rendah dan dilakukan pengaturan diet.

2. Diuretik Kuat

Furosemid :
biasa, dosis 20 – 80 mg/hr

Lepas lambat, dosis 30 – 60

Lebih efektif
dibandingkan tiazid untuk hipertensi dengan gangguan fungsi ginjal atau gagal

Efek samping
metabolic, kecuali tidak menyebabkan hiperkalsemia

menghindari efek metabolik ini, diuretik. kuat harus digunakan dengan dosis rendah disertai
pengaturan diet

3. Diuretik Hemat Kalium

§ Amilorid, dosis 5 – 10 mg/hr

§ Spironolakton, dosis 25 0 200 mg/hr

Merupakan diuretic lemah, untuk
mencegah atau mengurangi hipokalemia, terutama pada penderita dengan gangguan
fungsi ginjal atau bila dikombinasi dengan menghambat ACE, Suplemen kalium,
atau AINS. Spironolakton dalam dosis sampai dengan 100 m/hr mempunyai efek
hipertensif yang sebanding dengan hidrokloroiazid. Efek sampingnya adalah
ginekomastia, mastodinia, menstruasi tidak teratur, dan berkurangnya libido
pada pria.

2. Beta Bloker
1. Kardioselektif

§ Asebutolol, dosis 200 – 800 mg/hr

§ Atenolol, dosis 5 – 10 mg/hr

§ Bisopsolol, dosis 5- 10 mg/hr

§ Metaprolol : biasa, dosis 50 – 200 mg/hr

lepas lambat, dosis 100 – 200 mg/hr

2. Non Selektif

§ Alprenolol, dosis 100 – 200 mg/hr

§ Karteolol, dosis 2,5 – 10 mg/hr

§ Nadolol, dosis 20 – 160 mg/hr

§ Oksprenolol, biasa, dosis 80 – 320 mg/hr

lepas lambat, dosis 80 – 320 mg/hr

§ Pindolol, dosis 5 – 40 mg/hr

§ Propranolol, dosis 40 – 160 mg/hr

§ Timolol, dosis 20 – 40 mg/hr

Kerja :

o Pengurangan denyut jantung

o Hambatan pelepasan NE

o Hambatan setresi rennin

o Efek Sentral

Efek samping :

memperburuk gangguan pembuluh darah perifer, rasa lelah, insomia, eksaserbasi
gagal jantung, dan menutupi gejala- gejala hipoglikemia, hipertrigli seridemia
dan menurunkan kadar kolesterol HDL serta mengurangi kemampuan berolahraga.

Indikasi :

Pasien asma,
PPOM, gagal jantung dengan disfungsi sistolik, blok jantung derajat 2 dan 3,
sick sinus syndrome, dan penyakit vascular perifer diabetes.

Efek samping
dari metabolik dari Beta Bloker dapa dikurangi dengan pengaturan diet.

3. Alfa Bloker

§ Doxazosin, dosis 1 – 4 mg/hr

§ Prazosin, dosis 0,5 – 4 mg/hr

§ Perazosin, dosis 1 – 4 mg/hr

§ Bunazosin, dosis 1,5 – 3 mg/hr

Alfa, beta –

- Labetolol, dosis 100 – 200 mg/hr

Alfa bloker
menghambat reseptor a1 di pembuluh darah sehingga terjadi dilatasi arteriol dan
vena, sehingga berakibat terjadinya reflek taki kardi.

Alfa bloker
merupakan satu satunya golongan AH yang memberikan efek positif terhadap lipid
darah (menurunkan kolesterol LDL dan trigliserida serta meningkatkan kolestrol.

Efek samping:

ortostatik. Untuk mengurangi efek samping ini, dosis awal harus keicl dan
diberikan sebelum tidur selama beberapa hari, demikian juga peningkatan dosis
harus dilakukan perlahan-lahan.

Efek samping
lain: sakit kepala, hidung tersumbat, mual,lelah, dan lain lain. Tetapi efek
samping ini jarang ditemukan.

4. Penghambat

§ Kaptopril ,dosis 25 – 100 mg/hr

§ Lisinopril, dosis 5 – 20 mg/hr

§ Enalapril, dosis 5 – 40 mg/hr

§ Benazepril, dosis 10 – 20 mg/hr

§ Delapril, dosis 15 – 60 mg/hr

§ Fosinopril,dosis 10 – 40 mg/hr

§ Kuinapril, dosis 5 – 40 mg/hr

§ Perindopril, dosis 2 – 8 mg/hr

§ Ramipril, dosis 1,25 – 5 mg/hr

§ Silazapril, dosis 1,25 – 5 mg/hr

Penghambat ACE
efektif untuk hipertensi ringan, sedang, maupun berat. Penghambatan ACE
terutama efektif pada hipertensi dengan pra yang tinggi. Penghambatan ACE oral
dapat digunakan untuk hipertensi mendesak. Sedangkan preparat IV (enalapirat)
digunakan pada hipertensi darurat.

Efek samping :

Batuk kering
(merupakan efek yang sering terjadi), gangguan pengecap, udema angionerotik,
gagal ginjal akut dan hiperkatemia.

5. Antagonis

§ Verapamil : biasa, dosis 80 – 320 mg/hr

§ Diltiazem : biasa, dosis 90 – 360

lepas lambat,
dosis 180 – 360 mg/hr

§ nikedipin,: biasa, dosis 15 – 30 mg/hr

setara, dosis 20 – 40 mg/hr

oros, dosis 30 mg/hr

§ amlodipin, dosis 2,5 – 7,5 mg/hr

§ felodipin, dosis 5 – 10 mg/hr

§ isradipin, dosis 2,5 – 10 mg/hr

§ nikardipin: biasa, dosis 60 – 120 mg/hr

lepas lambat,
dosis 80 – 160 mg/hr

Efek samping

dihidropiridin merupakan vasodilator yang poten, disertai dengan mula kerja yang cepat,
misalnya pada pemberian nifedipin, maka akan terjadi:

o Penurunan tekanan darah yang besar dan cepat
yang mengakibatkan iskemia miokarol atau berebral.

o Reflek simpatis yang kuat berupa taki kardi,

o Sakit kepala, pusing, dan muka merah (akibat
vasodilatosi akut)

1. Adrenolitik sentrol (a2 agonis)
* Metildopa, dosis 250 – 1000 mg/hr
* Klonidin, dosis 0,075 – 0,6 mg/hr
* Guantasin, dosis 0,5 – 2 mg/hr

hipotensitnya disertai dengan penurunan
resistensi perifer.

2. Penghambat saraf adrenergic

§ Reserpin, dosis 0,05 – 0,25 mg/hr

§ Rauwolfia (akar), dosis 25 -100 mg/hr

§ Guanetidin, dosis 10 – 50 mg/hr

§ Guanadrel, dosis 10 – 50 mg/hr
o Reserpin biasanya diberikan sebagai obat kedua,
yang merupakan anti hipertensi yagn efektif terutama dalam kombinasi dengan
tiazid untuk pengobatan hipertensi ringan – sedang. Reserpin mengurangi
resistensi perifer, denyut jantung dan curah jantung.

Efek samping : letarasi dan kongesti
(paling sering terlihat).

o Guanetidin dicadangkan untuk kasus hipertensi
berat yang tidak respon terhadap obat
lain, tapi sekarang guanetidin jarang digunakan karena sukarnya mengatur dosis tanpa
menyebabkan hipotensi ortostatik, diare dan adanya AH lain, misalnya kaptrpril
dan minoksidil, yang efektif untuk hipertensi resufen dan kurang menimbulkan
efek samping dibanding guanetidin

Efek samping : diare dan kegagalan
o Guanadrel efek sampingnya mirip dengan
guanetidin, tetapi insiden diare lebih rendah dengan guanadrel.

Keindahan Laut

Photo 1A - Original

Photo 1B - With image enhancement

Here's another example of how what appeared to be a terrible photo was saved...

Photo 1C - Original

Photo 1D - With image enhancement

Lesson 2: Image enhancement can only do so much for "blues"

Because Photoshop is adjusting to remove the over-skewed blue in the picture and balance the colours, its quite reasonable to guess that it means the "real blues" will be affected especially if the image was originally quite blue intensive. Photo 2A has a lot more blue sea in it that Photo 1A does. Hence after image enhancement, you can tell that while the other colours are not too far off, the blue looks a little weird.

Photo 2A - Original from camera

Photo 2B - With image enhancement

By the way, if you look closely at the left side of the photo, you can see a bit of the reef shark that kept circling us at high speed, making it impossible to get a good photo of it.

Lesson 3: Go up close to get the best natural colour balance

As you can see quite clearly when comparing the 2 shots, going up close reduces the amount of distance/water between the lens and the subject, and so the colour reproduction is much better and more accurate.

Photo 3A - Original, taken up close to object

Photo 3B - Original, taken from further distance with zoom

A bit of photoshop enhancement improves both photos, but since there's a lot less that has to be done for Photo 3A, the post-adjustment photo is better as well.

Photo 3C - Photo 3A with image enhancement

Photo 3D - Photo 3B with image enhancement

This is of course the best shot of all!

Photo 3E - Original, taken really close

Lesson 4: Plankton makes shots appear grainy

It's a little difficult to demonstrate this, but basically your photo will not be as clear as photographs taken above water. Reason is simple: Plankton. Similar to Lesson 3, the less distance (ie water) you put in between the camera and the subject, the less plankton.

Photo 4A - Original, taken up close

Photo 4B - Photo 4A with image enhancement

Photo 4C - Original, above water

Lesson 5: You have to know where to look

This photo is one of a sleeping reef shark. Amazing isn't it? It was hidden in a little alcove, and a less experienced snorkeler would have just passed by it without knowing it was there.

Photo 5A - Original

Luckily we had a guide with us and not only did he know where sharks like to hang out, he was also able to dive down pretty far to check out these hidden spots for us. No credit to me for the shark photo, it was taken by him!

Lesson 6: Fish can be friendly!

These fish were really really friendly and came very very close within touching distance of us. I was at some point a little scared of them! This of course makes for some great shots, if only I could get the whole fish in the frame. Just have to try many times!

Photo 6A - Original, not cropped, with camera totally zoomed out

Lesson 7: Don't forget to zoom out

I was originally trying so hard to take a "profile pic" aka "mug shot" of the fishes, that I forgot to zoom out and look at them as a whole.

Photo 7A - Original

I still like some of the mug shots though!

Lesson 8: Underwater has lots of potential for interesting shots

I was actually trying to take a photo of the coral, and had already half-pressed the shutter to focus. Bubbles suddenly appeared so I waited a little for it to fill the frame before pressing down fully. I like this shot!

Photo 8A - With image enhancement to remove blue tinge

So that's the key 8 lessons I learnt on my first proper underwater photography trip. Something to keep in mind also, is that the sea is not calm when you're floating around in it... So its not like taking a photo while you're on land, you are going to be constantly bobbing around. A fast shutter speed is definitely important so that your shots at least appear focused. No matter how much post production enhancements you do, its not really possible to make a very blurry shot look sharp.

The other question is whether or not to wear a life-jacket while snorkeling. Putting aside the issue of whether or not you're a strong swimmer, I found it easier to "not move" and take a photo when I was wearing one. But wearing one means that you are unable to dive down to be closer to the coral (less distance between camera and subject!) and you also can't take close ups or check nooks and crannies where fishes might be hiding... So in the end its really your personal preference, but safety must always come first!

Oh if anyone can tell me how to clean an oily-from-lots-of-sunblock waterproof camera, I would be very grateful. T

Kamis, September 10, 2009

Rumah Adat Istiadat Indonesia


House of Etnic Culture Riau - Sumatera Island

House of Etnic Culture Palembang - Sumatera Island

House of Etnic Culture Batavia - Java Island

House of Etnic Culture Cirebon - Java Island

House of Etnic Culture Sunda - Java Island

House of Etnic Culture Kudus - Java Island

House of Etnic Culture Bali - Bali Island

House of Etnic Culture Flores - Flores Island

House of Etnic Culture Dayak - Borneo Island

House of Etnic Culture Toraja - Celebes Island

House of Etnic Culture Bugis - Celebes Island

House of Etnic Culture Maluku - Seram Island

House of Etnic Culture Papua - Borneo Island


Architecture Concept for Indonesia

Architecture in Indonesia should be considered by anyone who lived in the land of Indonesian water ... why no care? Because of the architecture world around you with the same concern on .So impact directly on the nature of life around you and the global nature of the our land.If the water damaged or not we world nature of our architecture is the natural environment damaged our life.More time run will be more damaged environmental land called Indonesia.This should really be understood by authorities, especially in the (Central Government, Government Regional and DPR, DPRD) and the people as the mitra.Because they are not care about the natural damaged our life.Each cities in Indonesia must have a different theme with the other, not at rate.Example: Jakarta City must show the form of different themes the cities have other.Must have characteristics of Indonesian.City adjust with the other city characteristics their place.Example theme Sundaness city of Bandung, Medan City theme Batakness, Surabaya Java theme Timurness, Denpasar City theme Baliness, if when etc.So each city in each region it is very different theme be rich our country with the works of later its original.How be rich Indonesia's World Tourism course, especially the theme of building is just great, especially combined with its landscape ... not main.Why Government and the House of Representatives not yet understand about this? Or feign not understand this ... the people of Indonesia can be prosperity... why? the trivial that is simple and each region membenahi ourselves with the concept of regional themes feature finish.Exacly slow .... slow many tourists throng to come and give a dollar ....

Arsitektur di Indonesia harus dipertimbangkan oleh orang yang tinggal di tanah air Indonesia ... mengapa banyak yang tidak peduli? Karena banyak yang tidak peduli maka kondisi arsitektur di sekitar anda menjadi rusak.Hal ini berdampak langsung pada kehidupan alam sekitar Anda dan kawasan dimana anda tinggal dan Tanah air kita.Jika kondisi arsitektur semakin rusak maka kehidupangan alam kita makin buruk.Lambat laun akan semakin rusaklah lingkungan arsitektur Indonesia.Ini harus benar-benar dapat dipahami oleh pihak yang berwenang, terutama di (Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Daerah dan DPR, DPRD) dan masyarakat sebagai mitra.Mereka harus bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan arsitektur di negeri ini.Setiap kota di Indonesia harus memiliki tema yang berbeda dengan yang lain, bukan konsep pukul rata.Contoh: Jakarta Kota harus menunjukkan bentuk yang berbeda tema kota other.Harus memiliki karakteristik Indonesian.Kota-kota lainnya menyesuaikan dengan karakteristik dari budaya mere tinggal.Contoh: tema Sundaness kota Bandung, tema Batakness Kota Medan, Surabaya, Jawa Timurness , tema Baliness Kota Denpasar, etc.Sehingga setiap kota di setiap daerah sangat berbeda tema maka negara kaya dengan karya-karya nanti nya kaya akan arsitektur kedaerahannya.Dunia Pariwisata Indonesia semakin baik dan berkembang.Dengan potensi Arsitektur saja Indonesia bisa makmur apalagi dipadukan dengan lansekapnya.Kenapa Pemerintah dan DPR belum mengerti tentang ini? Atau pura-pura tidak mengerti ini ... Padahal dengan ini masyarakat Indonesia dapat kemakmuran... mengapa? yang sepele yang sederhana dan membenahi diri kita masing-masing daerah dengan konsep arsitektur daerah yang bertema.Pastinya lambat laun akan semakin banyak wisatawan berduyun-duyun untuk datang dan memberikan dolar ...